So Kali and I are super excited to share with you our daily hair and makeup routines. Most of the time I am in a hurry and really hate fusing over my hair, especially living in Florida. I have been a professional hair stylist for 7 years now, so my "quick and easy" hair styles may not be super easy for everyone but remember it just takes practice.
I will be showing you how to do a quick Beehive french twist. Also this is my favorite hair style when my hair is on day 4 of not washing and I probably should wash it but I'm just too lazy.
Since this is my first go at a hair tutorial don't judge too hard on the poor lighting and awkward pictures. I do plan on making videos to better display these hairstyles. In the mean time here it is.
Products used:
Big Sexy Hair spray&play
Fine tooth rat tail comb
Teasing brush
Bobby pins
1'' curling iron
Duck bill clips
Hair accessory of your choice
I prepped my hair with a dry shampoo and brushed it out really good.
I sectioned off my hair in 3 parts.
1st: bangs. I took a C shape section about 3 inches back. Everyones bang situation is different so that is really determined on your personal preference.
2nd: Behind the bang take a section about 1inch thick and the width of your crown. You want to make sure its not too thick but thick enough were you can't see through the hair when you hold it up. We will be using this hair to lay over the actual beehive.
3rd: This last section is the the rest of your hair left out.
Back to the bangs. This will be the only curling needed. Use your hair spray and spray a little over the whole section. Take your curling iron and curl it vertically, leave in a pin curl from the iron and pin it with your duck bill clip.
Here's the fun part. Get ready for your arm work out.
Behind the middle section you are going to take about 1' sections around your head and tease using your fine tooth rat tail comb. Starting at the root, build up a good cushion. This is going to give you hold and VOLUME!
I only tease about half way down the sides and back.You should look a little like this picture above.
Now you are going to start shaping your beehive. Using your teasing brush on its side, brush carefully. You are going to marry all the sections together. Once you find the right height you like ( the bigger the better) pin it in place. The only section that should be pined at this stage is the width of your crown and pined at your occipital.
Take that middle section and give it a little back comb with the teasing brush. Very little, just enough so the hair doesn't separate at the base. Lay the hair over your beehive. Smooth out with your teasing brush and give it a good spray. Now pin it.
With the left over hair you are going hold it like a ponytail and twist. Once its twisted put it against your head and pin that. Use your bobby pins and pin horizontal. I used about 4 pins spaced 1 inch apart.
The back should look like this. (sorry my lighting is terrible)
Almost finished. Take you bang and brush it out with your teasing brush. Now give it a good tease, smooth the tease out and shape it using your hand. I like to use the end of the rat tail to rest the hair on and spray in place.
Add any hair accessory you like and call it a day. I promise this hair style should only take you 10 minuets tops. This style will get lots of complements and sure beats a frumpy ponytail.
I know it may be hard to translate through text but if there is a step you need help with or clarity please feel free to leave a comment below. Let us know if you liked this hairstyle.
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