Hey, guys and gals! Kali here, apologizing from the start, that this post will mostly be about nothing! I heard a customer raving about how hilarious Jerry Seinfeld's standup is, and how it is still about nothing, so if he can get away with it, so can I. For starters, we've gotten a makeover! Bekah and I decided to change our blog name to 'Flamingo A'Go-Go', and I think it is a perfect fit. (If you had signed up to follow us by email before, you will have to do it again under this new name.) We also revamped the overall look of the blog, and are getting closer to exactly what we want. I love seeing everything coming together!
Now I know in Bekah's last post, she said we had some exciting news, which is probably only exciting to us, but it is news nonetheless. Due to some very unexpected series of events, Eddy and I will be relocating back to Florida! We just found out about a week ago, and will be leaving in the next month, so everything is happening pretty quickly. Everyone keeps asking me how I feel, and to be honest, I am not quite sure I have any feelings yet! I think once we get everything moved, and I figure out where I will be working, I will be able to say that I am excited and happy. If not for anything, we will be escaping the ridiculous New England weather, and trading it for the scorching sun! Seriously, it is April 25th, and it was 36 degrees this morning when I was leaving the house for work. I am sure I will be singing another tune when it is 90 degrees in December, but at least I will be able to go to the beach at Christmas!
Right before we made the decision that we were moving, Eddy and I got an amazing opportunity from one of our favorites, Miss Ann Stecker. Ann had won an auction for a two night stay at the Fairmount Copley Plaza (a super swanky hotel in downtown Boston), and so graciously turned her two nights into two rooms for one night, so we could come stay with her and her husband!
The four of us bounced around a few bars in downtown Boston, which is something I had yet to do in the three years I have lived here. It was only one night, but it was just what we needed, the perfect little staycation! Honestly, nights like this make me very sad to be leaving this city, but more sad to be leaving the people in it. We couldn't thank Ann enough, for thinking of us for this perfect night!
Anyway, now that you all know what is going on with me, I most likely will not be super active on the blog until we make our move. The awesome thing is that once I am down there, Bekah and I will be able to actually meet up in person, and tag team our posts! I'll be using these next few weeks making memories like the ones above, and also packing up my life to move it 1300 miles south. I look forward to seeing all of you that are in Florida, and can't wait to see what the future holds for me!
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Hey Y'all. Bekah here
So Kali and I are super excited to share with you our daily hair and makeup routines. Most of the time I am in a hurry and really hate fusing over my hair, especially living in Florida. I have been a professional hair stylist for 7 years now, so my "quick and easy" hair styles may not be super easy for everyone but remember it just takes practice.
I will be showing you how to do a quick Beehive french twist. Also this is my favorite hair style when my hair is on day 4 of not washing and I probably should wash it but I'm just too lazy.
Since this is my first go at a hair tutorial don't judge too hard on the poor lighting and awkward pictures. I do plan on making videos to better display these hairstyles. In the mean time here it is.
Products used:
Big Sexy Hair spray&play
Fine tooth rat tail comb
Teasing brush
Bobby pins
1'' curling iron
Duck bill clips
Hair accessory of your choice
So Kali and I are super excited to share with you our daily hair and makeup routines. Most of the time I am in a hurry and really hate fusing over my hair, especially living in Florida. I have been a professional hair stylist for 7 years now, so my "quick and easy" hair styles may not be super easy for everyone but remember it just takes practice.
I will be showing you how to do a quick Beehive french twist. Also this is my favorite hair style when my hair is on day 4 of not washing and I probably should wash it but I'm just too lazy.
Since this is my first go at a hair tutorial don't judge too hard on the poor lighting and awkward pictures. I do plan on making videos to better display these hairstyles. In the mean time here it is.
Products used:
Big Sexy Hair spray&play
Fine tooth rat tail comb
Teasing brush
Bobby pins
1'' curling iron
Duck bill clips
Hair accessory of your choice
I prepped my hair with a dry shampoo and brushed it out really good.
I sectioned off my hair in 3 parts.
1st: bangs. I took a C shape section about 3 inches back. Everyones bang situation is different so that is really determined on your personal preference.
2nd: Behind the bang take a section about 1inch thick and the width of your crown. You want to make sure its not too thick but thick enough were you can't see through the hair when you hold it up. We will be using this hair to lay over the actual beehive.
3rd: This last section is the the rest of your hair left out.
Back to the bangs. This will be the only curling needed. Use your hair spray and spray a little over the whole section. Take your curling iron and curl it vertically, leave in a pin curl from the iron and pin it with your duck bill clip.
Here's the fun part. Get ready for your arm work out.
Behind the middle section you are going to take about 1' sections around your head and tease using your fine tooth rat tail comb. Starting at the root, build up a good cushion. This is going to give you hold and VOLUME!
I only tease about half way down the sides and back.You should look a little like this picture above.
Now you are going to start shaping your beehive. Using your teasing brush on its side, brush carefully. You are going to marry all the sections together. Once you find the right height you like ( the bigger the better) pin it in place. The only section that should be pined at this stage is the width of your crown and pined at your occipital.
Take that middle section and give it a little back comb with the teasing brush. Very little, just enough so the hair doesn't separate at the base. Lay the hair over your beehive. Smooth out with your teasing brush and give it a good spray. Now pin it.
With the left over hair you are going hold it like a ponytail and twist. Once its twisted put it against your head and pin that. Use your bobby pins and pin horizontal. I used about 4 pins spaced 1 inch apart.
The back should look like this. (sorry my lighting is terrible)
Almost finished. Take you bang and brush it out with your teasing brush. Now give it a good tease, smooth the tease out and shape it using your hand. I like to use the end of the rat tail to rest the hair on and spray in place.
Add any hair accessory you like and call it a day. I promise this hair style should only take you 10 minuets tops. This style will get lots of complements and sure beats a frumpy ponytail.
I know it may be hard to translate through text but if there is a step you need help with or clarity please feel free to leave a comment below. Let us know if you liked this hairstyle.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
I've gotta go put my face on
Hello! Kali here, finally! We have been seeing some much needed nicer weather these past couple of weeks, and I actually got out of this house to be social! Proving that I am incapable of holding a full time job, writing these posts, AND having a social life. On top of all that, I was stricken with a wicked cold last week, rendering me useless for at least 72 hours. I could keep listing excuses as to why I haven't written, but let's get down to business! While scrounging for post ideas, I decided on one dedicated to my daily makeup routine, and all of my favorite products. I love hearing about everyone's makeup preferences, and learning about brands I've never tried, so here's a little insight into mine!
I thought about arranging my vanity all nice & neat, and Instagram-picture-perfect, but then that wouldn't be letting you in on my real life! I love that I have a vanity, and enough space for all of this crap, but let's be real, it's damn near impossible to keep it clean! This is also where I do my hair, so there is a nice layer of hairspray coating everything in this general vicinity, that you can't see in this picture!
The first thing I put on my face (and the last*), is setting spray. Don't ask me what is in this product, or how it works, because I have no idea. All I know, is it is some sort of magic potion, that makes my makeup stay in place all day. It's a miracle!
*I also spray my face with this after I'm done with my makeup.
I was just introduced to the world of primers, maybe a year and a half ago. I honestly thought that they were useless, and just another product the makeup brands were trying to sell us! I was talked into it by Eddy's little cousin, who's makeup looked flawless, and of course, she directed me to use a primer. I know what you're thinking- "You need setting spray, AND primer?". The answer is, yes. Not just for my face, but for my eyes and lips too! I've accepted that if I want my face to stay in place all day (I work anywhere from 8-12 hour days), that it will be a process! The good thing about all of these products, is that it's a one time deal. I don't have to go back and touch anything up throughout the day, with the exception of lipstick. I have tried a few other brands of face primers, but always go back to Too Faced. Once I was sold on their face primer, I committed to the lip primer (which I probably bough 6 months ago, and I'm still using). Luckily, through some gift-with-purchase deal, I received their eye shadow primer, which is also amazing!
I thought about arranging my vanity all nice & neat, and Instagram-picture-perfect, but then that wouldn't be letting you in on my real life! I love that I have a vanity, and enough space for all of this crap, but let's be real, it's damn near impossible to keep it clean! This is also where I do my hair, so there is a nice layer of hairspray coating everything in this general vicinity, that you can't see in this picture!
The first thing I put on my face (and the last*), is setting spray. Don't ask me what is in this product, or how it works, because I have no idea. All I know, is it is some sort of magic potion, that makes my makeup stay in place all day. It's a miracle!
*I also spray my face with this after I'm done with my makeup.
I was just introduced to the world of primers, maybe a year and a half ago. I honestly thought that they were useless, and just another product the makeup brands were trying to sell us! I was talked into it by Eddy's little cousin, who's makeup looked flawless, and of course, she directed me to use a primer. I know what you're thinking- "You need setting spray, AND primer?". The answer is, yes. Not just for my face, but for my eyes and lips too! I've accepted that if I want my face to stay in place all day (I work anywhere from 8-12 hour days), that it will be a process! The good thing about all of these products, is that it's a one time deal. I don't have to go back and touch anything up throughout the day, with the exception of lipstick. I have tried a few other brands of face primers, but always go back to Too Faced. Once I was sold on their face primer, I committed to the lip primer (which I probably bough 6 months ago, and I'm still using). Luckily, through some gift-with-purchase deal, I received their eye shadow primer, which is also amazing!
Left to Right: Too Faced Primed & Poreless Pure Primer, Too Faced Lip Insurance Lip Primer, Too Faced Shadow Insurance Primer
As I'm sure most of you ladies do, I am constantly searching for a better foundation/concealer/bb cream/powder! I don't think we will ever be satisfied, but for now, this is what I am using. Even though the Prime Time is technically a primer, it is also a bb cream, and that is what I use it for. This Makeup For Ever coverup is amazing, and I have been squeezing out the last little bits left inside for months now! I actually love everything I have tried from Makeup For Ever, but their products are just a tiny bit more expensive than (the already expensive) other brands, and I can't seem to full commit. I know I will eventually have to splurge on another tube of this amazing coverup, but not until every last drop is outta there! I listed this Kat Von D foundation too because I do use it if my skin is particularly bad, just for some extra coverage. I used to wear it every day, but it was just too heavy for me. They aren't joking about her products being able to cover tattoos!
Left to Right: Make Up For Ever Full Cover , bareMinerals Prime Time BB Primer-Cream, Kat Von D Lock-It Tattoo Foundation
Usually, after I put on bb cream and cover up, I attempt to attack my eyebrows. With the current "eyebrows on fleek" epidemic, there is a lot of pressure to get those babies perfect! I probably experimented with every Anastasia Beverly Hills product out there, with no success (just looking like a cartoon character). I'm currently trying to let my eyebrows grow as much as possible, because I overplucked so much when I was younger, I don't have very much to work with. I do fill them in a little, with Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz, but other than that I think I was doing more harm then help by trying too hard to get them to look like everyone elses!
I'm also not super talented with eye shadow. I'm a one color kinda girl, and it is usually a neutral shade of brown. Right now, I am loving this palette from Urban Decay, and have almost talked myself into buying their Naked 3 palette!
I definitely live by my black eyeliners, and don't like to go out without it on. I recently discovered both of these little gems, thanks to other ladies sharing their makeup favorites through the internet! I will admit that I think I am the only female that is incapable of doing a nice solid winged liner, but maybe once I hit 30 in a few months, that will be one of my new skills? I can't decide which one of these liners is better, I honestly alternate them on a daily basis. They're both awesome! Also, someone come do my winged liner and eyebrows, please!
If I had a makeup weakness, it would definitely be mascara. All 5 tubes listed below are all full! Who needs this much mascara? Me, apparently. I also rotate which mascara I use, depending on how I want my lashes to look that day (if you haven't figured it out yet, I like having options). I have them listed from my absolute favorite, to least favorite (but I still really love it), starting with the top!
Top to Bottom: Benefit Roller Lash, Urban Decay Perversion, Buxom Mascara Bar, Urban Decay Big Fatty, Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara
I am absolutely in love with both of these blushes. I had only been using the Too Faced one for over a year now, and when I recently dyed my hair a very burnt orange-y color, I discovered this Tarte blush. I love them both, and that's all I have to say about blush!
Finally, lipstick! I honestly feel like I am very late in the lipstick game, and I am still trying to figure it out. Even with that handy lip primer I spoke about earlier, I have a really hard time getting lipstick to stay solid on my lips all day, and not having it smeared all over my face. Because of this, I am staying away from doing a super bold lip, like a red or hot pink, at least not for an every day look. I have been sticking to more neutral, sheer colors, and plums. I did go outside of my comfort zone with the Lime Crime "griege" lipstick on the far right, but I freakin' love it, and feel like a 90's grunge queen when I wear it! I think wearing lipstick makes me feel like more of an adult, in a good way, and I want to learn more about wearing it right!
Left to Right: Mac: Rebel, Mac: Serviette , Mac: Up the Amp Urban Decay: Rapture, Urban Decay: Lovelight, Lime Crime Velvetine: Cashmere
Well ladies, I hope you found this little look into my makeup world helpful, and you will be inspired to try some new products. I would love to hear what your favorite makeup products are, and if you have any tips for me on how to get that stupid lipstick to stay on my face! Until next time, stay beautiful!
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