Hello! Kali here, finally! We have been seeing some much needed nicer weather these past couple of weeks, and I actually got out of this house to be social! Proving that I am incapable of holding a full time job, writing these posts, AND having a social life. On top of all that, I was stricken with a wicked cold last week, rendering me useless for at least 72 hours. I could keep listing excuses as to why I haven't written, but let's get down to business! While scrounging for post ideas, I decided on one dedicated to my daily makeup routine, and all of my favorite products. I love hearing about everyone's makeup preferences, and learning about brands I've never tried, so here's a little insight into mine!

I thought about arranging my vanity all nice & neat, and Instagram-picture-perfect, but then that wouldn't be letting you in on my real life! I love that I have a vanity, and enough space for all of this crap, but let's be real, it's damn near impossible to keep it clean! This is also where I do my hair, so there is a nice layer of hairspray coating everything in this general vicinity, that you can't see in this picture!
The first thing I put on my face (and the last*), is setting spray. Don't ask me what is in this product, or how it works, because I have no idea. All I know, is it is some sort of magic potion, that makes my makeup stay in place all day. It's a miracle!
*I also spray my face with this after I'm done with my makeup.

I was just introduced to the world of primers, maybe a year and a half ago. I honestly thought that they were useless, and just another product the makeup brands were trying to sell us! I was talked into it by Eddy's little cousin, who's makeup looked flawless, and of course, she directed me to use a primer. I know what you're thinking- "You need setting spray, AND primer?". The answer is, yes. Not just for my face, but for my eyes and lips too! I've accepted that if I want my face to stay in place all day (I work anywhere from 8-12 hour days), that it will be a process! The good thing about all of these products, is that it's a one time deal. I don't have to go back and touch anything up throughout the day, with the exception of lipstick. I have tried a few other brands of face primers, but always go back to Too Faced. Once I was sold on their face primer, I committed to the lip primer (which I probably bough 6 months ago, and I'm still using). Luckily, through some gift-with-purchase deal, I received their eye shadow primer, which is also amazing!

As I'm sure most of you ladies do, I am constantly searching for a better foundation/concealer/bb cream/powder! I don't think we will ever be satisfied, but for now, this is what I am using. Even though the Prime Time is technically a primer, it is also a bb cream, and that is what I use it for. This Makeup For Ever coverup is amazing, and I have been squeezing out the last little bits left inside for months now! I actually love everything I have tried from Makeup For Ever, but their products are just a tiny bit more expensive than (the already expensive) other brands, and I can't seem to full commit. I know I will eventually have to splurge on another tube of this amazing coverup, but not until every last drop is outta there! I listed this Kat Von D foundation too because I do use it if my skin is particularly bad, just for some extra coverage. I used to wear it every day, but it was just too heavy for me. They aren't joking about her products being able to cover tattoos!

Usually, after I put on bb cream and cover up, I attempt to attack my eyebrows. With the current "eyebrows on fleek" epidemic, there is a lot of pressure to get those babies perfect! I probably experimented with every Anastasia Beverly Hills product out there, with no success (just looking like a cartoon character). I'm currently trying to let my eyebrows grow as much as possible, because I overplucked so much when I was younger, I don't have very much to work with. I do fill them in a little, with
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz, but other than that I think I was doing more harm then help by trying too hard to get them to look like everyone elses!
I'm also not super talented with eye shadow. I'm a one color kinda girl, and it is usually a neutral shade of brown. Right now, I am loving this palette from Urban Decay, and have
almost talked myself into buying their
Naked 3 palette!
I definitely live by my black eyeliners, and don't like to go out without it on. I recently discovered both of these little gems, thanks to other ladies sharing their makeup favorites through the internet! I will admit that I think I am the only female that is incapable of doing a nice solid winged liner, but maybe once I hit 30 in a few months, that will be one of my new skills? I can't decide which one of these liners is better, I honestly alternate them on a daily basis. They're both awesome! Also, someone come do my winged liner and eyebrows, please!
If I had a makeup weakness, it would definitely be mascara. All 5 tubes listed below are all full! Who needs this much mascara? Me, apparently. I also rotate which mascara I use, depending on how I want my lashes to look that day (if you haven't figured it out yet, I like having options). I have them listed from my absolute favorite, to least favorite (but I still really love it), starting with the top!
I am absolutely in love with both of these blushes. I had only been using the Too Faced one for over a year now, and when I recently dyed my hair a very burnt orange-y color, I discovered this Tarte blush. I love them both, and that's all I have to say about blush!

Finally, lipstick! I honestly feel like I am very late in the lipstick game, and I am still trying to figure it out. Even with that handy lip primer I spoke about earlier, I have a really hard time getting lipstick to stay solid on my lips all day, and not having it smeared all over my face. Because of this, I am staying away from doing a super bold lip, like a red or hot pink, at least not for an every day look. I have been sticking to more neutral, sheer colors, and plums. I did go outside of my comfort zone with the Lime Crime "griege" lipstick on the far right, but I freakin' love it, and feel like a 90's grunge queen when I wear it! I think wearing lipstick makes me feel like more of an adult, in a good way, and I want to learn more about wearing it right!

Well ladies, I hope you found this little look into my makeup world helpful, and you will be inspired to try some new products. I would love to hear what your favorite makeup products are, and if you have any tips for me on how to get that stupid lipstick to stay on my face! Until next time, stay beautiful!